for today, thursday the 12th

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for today, thursday the 12th

Postby madd74 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 21:06:43

Hello, dear! Well anyway, here is the current plan.

I am going to stop by a bar called Sully's to do a shot, and have D follow me home. Now, I realize you and Jarin shall be sleeping, and since he will be waking me up, I shall not be up too terrible late than usual :)

Then, there is a plan for lunch, I am thinking most likely some time around noon or so. I know you thought of a plan for something, and was curious as to the time or what have you, so that I can plan everything accordingly.

What is the word on Chandler's game night? Did you have a time and the like? I wanted to possibly stop by Billy Joe's, even though with as packed as I expect it, I most likely will not want to close it down. I am not sure yet even on the whole going, especially depending on the time the game night is. Facebook alone showes a lot of "certainly going" with a ton of "possible", and that is just facebook :D

Love you, catch you later. When I get home, I will be sure to stop up and give you a kiss on the head!
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Re: for today, thursday the 12th

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 22:30:56

I TOLD you it would be that late when you guys hung out. I don't even know if you'll get to Sully's before last call since you aren't off until 1. It is by Burger King over here on Grand in WDM. And I guess I get the hint that I should be in bed & not on the couch - I am asking you to PLEASE not be loud. I like D a lot - she has always been good to me...but I also know she is a loud person. And I know my alarm will be going off before 5:30am. When you are staying up late please remember that. Because it already sucks as it is, and any less sleep than I already get makes it suck that much more.

Anyways - please plan on taking Jarin to Val's tomorrow. I am going out a bit after work, as usual, and you are welcome to come if you like. I'm off at 3:30 and I believe we are headed downtown.

I do not have word on the game night. I haven't seen them since last week - it's been too cold to have the kids out playing & I've been working my ass off. I already told you about Billy Joe's & I guess I thought that the plan would be to go earlier in the day. I am assuming since we all have kids that game night would be early evening until whenever. If for any reason they canceled I was hoping to go to Monroe. I had mentioned that, too.

I don't know - all I really want right now is to sleep. Overtime is over March 27th. Well, mandatory overtime. So I am calling dibs right now on sleeping in Saturday, March 28th. Until then, I am so burnt out that I almost don't care about anything anymore - I am starting to just not give a crap :/
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Re: for today, thursday the 12th

Postby cmplxty7 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 22:33:39

Oh - and I love you, too. And I would appreciate you visiting me when you get home & giving me a kiss - that would be nice.

Thank you for letting me know your plan - and please do remember that I will be sleeping while you guys are playing games or whatever. And I will *really* talk to you tomorrow sometime & we'll figure the weekend out. :kiss:
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Re: for today, thursday the 12th

Postby madd74 » Thu Mar 12, 2009 23:24:48

But you said that for SAT morning, not FRI morning, so you are partially correct.

Um, "Now, I realize you and Jarin shall be sleeping" was part of me acknowledging what you otherwise thought you had to tell me more than once. I realize I did not say it directly, but I figured with just stating that much there would have given me the benefit of the doubt. I guess I was incorrect *sigh*

I already planned on taking Jarin and taking care of it.

I know you already told me about BJ, so what reason are you treating me as if I was saying something else? Early, yes, but that does not tell me WHEN game night was going to be, or if it would even be feasible to go to the bar. That was the whole point in me asking about the time. Early in the day can be 19:00, or it can be 13:00. That was not ever addressed in your conversation. I know about Monroe, however, doubt to see them cancel. Again, another thing I should not have to address in conversation as being a given.

yeah, ditto or something
I will have something here... at some point...
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