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Re: ...and they danced by the light of the moon.

PostPosted: Mon Oct 13, 2003 19:43:29
by JoytotheWorld
I knew it!!! You've been trying to sacrifice me for years!! "No, no, we're just dancing around the fire. Come join us. We're not going to throw you in." Whatever!! I'm on to you now!!! Yeah, well two can play at that game. <grabs Bible to thump you with>


Come on, admit it, it took you a while to catch on. I'll bet you're wondering now what I might have done to you while you slept on my couch. Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


Re: ...and they danced by the light of the moon.

PostPosted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 0:38:25
by ditzwill
JoytotheWorld wrote:Come on, admit it, it took you a while to catch on. I'll bet you're wondering now what I might have done to you while you slept on my couch. Mwahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!


I never admit anything. Who are *you* talking to?? :}

Well, anything you could have done to me while I was sleeping on your couch couldn't be any worse than anything Madd could have done to me while I was sleeping on his couch. Or anything you and you family could have done to me while I was awake on your couch. :} I'm still alive and don't remember anything so it's all good. hehehe :}

PostPosted: Tue Oct 21, 2003 12:43:08
by madd74
ditzwill wrote:Eh, if my therapist had been worth anything I wouldn't have quit going. However, I'm not going to be treated with someone whom I don't agree with on a very basic level. I'll find someone else soon enough.

I would have kept going to mine if he would have stopped interfering with my psychoanalysis of him!

...and if he was not such a money hungry evil human... I wonder if shrinks and laywers are really the same only different title and job envirornment?

PostPosted: Tue Oct 28, 2003 10:23:31
by ditzwill
madd74 wrote:
ditzwill wrote:Eh, if my therapist had been worth anything I wouldn't have quit going. However, I'm not going to be treated with someone whom I don't agree with on a very basic level. I'll find someone else soon enough.

I would have kept going to mine if he would have stopped interfering with my psychoanalysis of him!

...and if he was not such a money hungry evil human... I wonder if shrinks and laywers are really the same only different title and job envirornment?

That wouldn't surprise me. Some of them aren't all bad, though. Most of the ones Jenny has gone to have been good. And they don't work for much money cuz she goes to a place that lets you pay on a sliding scale.

PostPosted: Wed Oct 29, 2003 12:49:08
by madd74
I appriciate places that let the sliding scale type of thing happen... I even knew of one place that said where the base was of what to pay for your income, and you choose what you wanted... hmm... wonder if that place is still in business, haha.