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Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 12:10:09
by Stingray
sorry, too much Red vs. Blue watching has gone to my head!

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 14:05:26
by sewcute
if that isn't from left field I don't know what is :p

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 14:18:09
by Stingray
Are you kidding?! It's in the nosebleeds... well, actually, to be more accurate, it's at the concession stand waiting in line to get a corn dog! :lol:

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 18:04:34
by sewcute

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 23:15:24
by monkeybone
funny that i took this as a rhetorical question.
was i wrong? well, it doesn't matter either way, i suppose


please bring back a corndog, eh?

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 10:21:03
by sewcute
I guess my other thing about this, is that I don't only want lovin' in the bedroom, sometimes in the bedroom I want to just cuddle and be loved. . .

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 13:39:23
by Mair
That's right. My husband's good for cuddling with me even though it isn't his favorite thing. I usually make him tickle my back which he HATES!

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 16:59:41
by cmplxty7
Stingray wrote:This is a topic for the ladies, since I've noticed they are the primary "debaters" here, lol... :D

This is from an proclaimed "expert" on dating that I read about. He made this statement: (this applies to the majority, not all women according to him)

"Women want to be treated like a lady in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom."

I have my personal thoughts about this statement, but I am curious...
Do you ladies agree or disagree with this statement. What are your thoughts?

Keep in mind if you are honestly offended by it, then you most likely are reading it too literally and missing the intended metaphor.


hmm - I am thinking that by putting it that way his target audience is men.

First off, it reminds me of the song Yeah by Usher, Ludacris, & Little Jon - which I like :) it reminds me of the line in the song that says "we want a lady in the street but a freak in the bed". Which makes my first thought to his statement "well, that's the way men want it."

I think the way he worded it like that tends to be an immediate turnoff for many, though I do not believe it completely discredits the notion.

I have more thoughts on this to share (somewhat defending the notion), however I have a baby to feed & do not want to lose what I just typed, so I am posting it now & finishing later. (sorry)

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 12:32:35
by sewcute
how is his target audience male? or do you mean you think the way he worded it is it is directed to men?

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 22:13:39
by cmplxty7
sewcute wrote:or do you mean you think the way he worded it is it is directed to men?

yes - that is what I meant by that. To put it so bluntly/crudely I can't believe he would have been directing the statement at women instead of at men about women. Surely he would know that saying it that way would immediately be disregarded by women who would be offended by it. So I assume it was directed toward men.

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 22:28:27
by cmplxty7
My interpretation of this is that people do, and want to be able to, lower their inhibitions when in private with someone they are being intimate with. Everyone has thoughts/desires/fantasies they would not share publicly, as it would be immodest/impolite/embarrassing/whatever... They do not necessarily have to be sexual in nature, but often are, as this man is obviously speaking toward. And it is different for each person - where with one it may be trying a new position beyond "missionary", with others it may be bondage/dominatrix/S&M/etc. I think the "friendly" way to view his statement is that if you are being intimate with someone you want to feel comfortable enough with them to share such things freely and be encouraged to share/do things you desire without shame, as well as know that it will remain between you and not be shared publicly or socially.

To sum it up, to me "Women want to be treated like a lady in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom." translates to "while women want to feel free and encouraged to be free from inhibitions (about anything) in an intimate setting with a partner, they want to be sure that their reputation remains unharmed and their secrets remain unknown to others". Does that make sense? Or at least sound better? I do not know if Stingray was looking for that much in the first place :)

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 22:51:48
by monkeybone
i *really* like your thinking on this!

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2007 13:42:14
by sewcute
cmplxty7 wrote:
sewcute wrote:or do you mean you think the way he worded it is it is directed to men?

yes - that is what I meant by that. To put it so bluntly/crudely I can't believe he would have been directing the statement at women instead of at men about women. Surely he would know that saying it that way would immediately be disregarded by women who would be offended by it. So I assume it was directed toward men.

but he said it was for women. . .he might just not have phrased it in a way that women would take it "offended"

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Sat Oct 06, 2007 22:28:09
by madd74
Stingray wrote:This is a topic for the ladies, since I've noticed they are the primary "debaters" here, lol... :D

This is from an proclaimed "expert" on dating that I read about. He made this statement: (this applies to the majority, not all women according to him)

"Women want to be treated like a lady in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom."

I have my personal thoughts about this statement, but I am curious...
Do you ladies agree or disagree with this statement. What are your thoughts?

Keep in mind if you are honestly offended by it, then you most likely are reading it too literally and missing the intended metaphor.

Eh, my board, I can reply if I want :mrgreen:

I think a lot of women actually are like this. I will go on the record to state, that a decent majority of women I have personally known wanted different treatment depending on certain situations (I would go to say that most humans are this way, not just the ladies). I also get the statement in its un-literal form, and coming from me, that means a lot!! :D

Re: For the Ladies...

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 16:11:45
by ditzwill
cmplxty7 wrote:My interpretation of this is that people do, and want to be able to, lower their inhibitions when in private with someone they are being intimate with. Everyone has thoughts/desires/fantasies they would not share publicly, as it would be immodest/impolite/embarrassing/whatever... They do not necessarily have to be sexual in nature, but often are, as this man is obviously speaking toward. And it is different for each person - where with one it may be trying a new position beyond "missionary", with others it may be bondage/dominatrix/S&M/etc. I think the "friendly" way to view his statement is that if you are being intimate with someone you want to feel comfortable enough with them to share such things freely and be encouraged to share/do things you desire without shame, as well as know that it will remain between you and not be shared publicly or socially.

To sum it up, to me "Women want to be treated like a lady in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom." translates to "while women want to feel free and encouraged to be free from inhibitions (about anything) in an intimate setting with a partner, they want to be sure that their reputation remains unharmed and their secrets remain unknown to others". Does that make sense? Or at least sound better? I do not know if Stingray was looking for that much in the first place :)
Man, I think I like the short version better. :)
Stingray wrote:"Women want to be treated like a lady in the living room, and a whore in the bedroom."

Yes. Smack my ass and talk dirty to me in the bedroom. Treat me like a Queen everywhere else. Yeah baby!! :)