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Last House on the Left

PostPosted: Wed Feb 16, 2005 15:23:38
by madd74
I must say, that Last House on the Left (Wes Cravens first movie) is an extremely interesting movie. The premise is that some girls run into trouble, are raped and murdered, and end up staying over at the girls' parents house, where they find out what the group did, and take the law into their own hands.

This movie originally got a X-rating due to the graphic nature of the film. There is a scene, for example, when someone has their innards ripped out (this was cut from film and later put in the director's cut DVD).

I found this movie interesting. I was not as freaked out as most people, however there was one scene involving a penis that was disturbing and made me twitch. Not many movies can do that anymore (minus Hellraiser II). I applaud the acting which is very well done on the main characters. Also, the revenge used was pulled off nicely. You can believe that parents could actually do what they did (despite one of the revenge ploys being the desturbing penis part).

Over all, if you like to be freaked out, I highly recommend this movie. I personally do not feel it is as disturbing as everyone claims it, however it is good nevertheless. If you have a thing against rape, or violent crimes of the such, or simply do not like some blood, you may wish to stay away from it.