There are a MASSIVE amount of new and exciting features that this release has. File attachments, the layout, new BBS codes, and everything. I am just throwing it up to the public right now, however as time goes on, you will notice changes and can go to the support forum for information on those changes.
A few cool things to point out:
-Your information from my old board has been ported here. So everything should be as is, including private messages and the like. However, there are ADDITIONAL things you can do, so please go to your profile (user control panel). For example, you can add your birthday, and show topics you are subscribed to!
-New codes: like the new spoiler button!
Spoiler for The Wall:
-Subscriptions!: You can now subscribe to any forum or cat. that you wish, getting updates when people post. This will lead to the new way for updates with Jarin's forum, bringing me to...
-Photo Album!: While it is still being worked on, an album is being made for this version of phpbb, and this is where all my pictures will be moved over to eventually. This allows me to remove the middle man that I am using now, and the ability for you, humans, to also add things with the greatest of ease.
There is just so much, I cannot get into all of it right now. If you are semi familiar, or simply curious, you can go to the following spot to see the change from version 2 to version 3 (realize this list was geared towards the admins, so a lot of it may or may not make sense:
So there you have it! I am extremely excited about a lot of the changes, and look forward to getting a bunch of stuff added.